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Talented but disadvantaged

Most talented pupils are the most disadvantaged. In schools they have little to say about their schooling! They are mostly bored and not often involved in school activities which hinders their talent identification and develop!
These children might be well equipped with talent but they lack avenues to develop them and this demotivates them. The worst scenario is when teachers ,parents and guardians or the community fails to identify such talents. This lowers the level of self esteem thus low participation in curricular activities thus crippling the talent and bright future opportunities of the child .

Cooperative Learning would work out well but still their social welfare doesn’t allow them to free mix in groups with others just because they lack most basic pupil _school requirements. And whenever they happen to have some, they are in a sorry state! This too limits talent exposure and development.

Parents, teachers plus the community tend not to value a child’s potentials thus delaying to develop the talent!
Learning is process where everyone is a potential stakeholder in learning and talent development process of every child in a society.

Different people play different citizenry roles .

On the talent part, there are those who identify the talent, those who critically analyse it , those who assist in developing it , those who train and those who support logistics therein and other related activities! This is what develops a society .

Shoes Community Support we are proud for partnering with #Fresh Kid Uganda providing him school Shoes for all time in school in a bid to better his learning and developing his talent! We thank all other stakeholders and call upon everybody to always identify such children and their talents!

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