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Sam Bright MUHINDO and Co. Sends Santa to locate You…

He breaks into our houses every year to the delight of good children everywhere delivering presents for Christmas and delivering hope to the hopeless and the downtrodden.

Santa Claus is part of one that restates hope and hospitality as a virtue and gifts children with cookies and milk by the fireplace that probably shouldn’t be forgotten.

“May Santa Claus bring to you surprise gifts in form of smiles and giggles, happiness and joy that last with you all your life… Merry Christmas and a wonderful Happy New Year to you.”  Sam Bright MUHINDO sends his heartfelt message.

To anyone out there with a need, this is the best message the little boy, his brothers, and sisters have for you, may Santa locate you.

Muhindo has a Santa, the theory of Santa is a symbol of jolly which has clear connections to love, hospitality, and humility.

According to Sam, the Magical Gift-Giving Tour of Santa Claus is the idea that he gives you a gift that celebrates you as a child, even if you are sometimes naughty and imperfect.

To the families out there, “Santa reinforces the nuclear family structure, with an emphasis on children.”

He leaves the gifts under the tree, for the kids. How many photographs are taken of them tearing into their Christmas gifts? And how many of the child sitting on the department store Santa’s lap?

Is it a coincidence that the sacred symbol of Christmas is a divine child, also represented as a nuclear family?”

There is a lot of curiosity about how Christmas will be for Sam Bright Muhindo, Elvis Bwire, Acleo Muwanguzi, and others after completing this term at their school, Namuwaya Education Centre in Kirinnya- Bweyogere.

As Christmas knocks on the door, every one of them is somewhere with their family probably with or without any idea about Christmas.

Sam Bright MUHINDO will have a completely different Christmas this time with anxiety and how it looks compared to Christmas day in Bwera Kasese, Western Uganda.  Muhindo and company, Santa located them in a unique way and they wish every child in need the same.

As management at Bravo Shoes Community Support Organisation, as we rejoice and celebrate this wonderful season of Christmas, we cannot forget to thank all the people who have come out into the lives of these little angels.

Let us together prepare ourselves to welcome more into the homes of our hearts. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones

Christmas spells out love, hope, and joy. Pass it on to everyone in your life. Have a great Christmas.

we take this Christmas as an opportunity to remind you how much you mean to us. we can’t even think what would we ever do without you. we thank God for sending you into their lives.

On this beautiful occasion, we pray to him to give you whatever you wish for. As bells are ringing and everyone is singing, It’s Christmas! It’s Christmas! Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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