It has always been urged that luck is sudden, unexpected and indefinable. But from the Story of Elvis Bwire, Luck isn’t such kind of magic! It’s his attitude and curiosity . It was his curiosity that drove him from a crowd of other pupils to come close to the packed van ! He didn’t mind whether bear footed or not. He got up with his subconsciousness that made him luckier! He was Lucky that in his lost fear he went close to the van and see how the cameraman accelerated his luck!
Let us remember that life gives no guarantees. It is uncertain and unpredictable. Hence, it is our absolute duty to make the most of each day. The cameraman wouldn’t have been enough to position the boy’s luck. He still needed someone to bring him to the limelight! There comes the City Centre complex Shoe merchant ~@Bravo Shoes. Like they say, that wherever you go, luck is always following you ! Today , he was awarded a full bursary to complete Primary Section by one of the associates of @ Bravo Shoes Community Support. ~
Namuwaya Education Centre
What do we learn from such unfolding things? Never to loose hope , keep it alive and know that in whatever you do , if you equip yourself with self-esteem and curiosity, luck may find you . Thanks to all stakeholders for all you have put in place trying to change the life of Elvis Bwire and the society.