- info@bravoshoescommunitysupport.org
- +256 772 438726
- +256 706744644
- City Centre Complex ,1st Floor B-9, Luwum Street
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In February 2018, Brian Yesigye Bravo, Chief Executive Officer of Bravo Shoes Ltd, established Bravo Shoes Community Support Organisation (BSCSO).
Brian himself started a humble life on the streets of Kampala as a merchandiser with only Shs 300, 000 (less than $100). His entrepreneurial spirit, tenacity, and dreams were not short of trials and tribulations.
Notwithstanding the challenges, he persevered, and his drive to excel shaped the basic structure of Bravo Shoes a brand specialized in quality school footwear. Brian believes that humble beginnings breed great personalities.
A notable Ghanaian author Earnest Yeboah wrote, “A diligent hawker today can be a great tycoon” – this perfectly characterizes Yesigye Brian Bravo.
From growing up without shoes himself to empowering the young without shoes is one of the driving forces behind the Bravo Shoes Community Support. Brian believes that creating value in society and one’s community, especially for children without the opportunity of going to school, should be a part of our responsibilities if we can afford to do so.
We are mindful of the unprecedented challenges, but we, along with our contributors, remain invested in empowering our brothers and sisters in small doses. The world is already grateful that Bravo Shoes Community Support Organisation (BSCSO) has come to touch many lives and realize the challenges these communities face.
Noteworthy is the fact that the young generation comprises 56% of the total population in Uganda. The Bravo Shoe Community Support is riding on one of its core values: empowering children. To date, hundreds of the beneficiaries can testify how far a journey the Bravo Shoe Community Support has taken them.
Through its newly formed Non-governmental organisation, Yesigye Brian Bravo is also passionate about caring of people living with diabetes and this was another direct motivation to establishing the organisation. He hopes to attract many donors and sponsors and looks forward to impacting many more lives. So far, the brand has directly impacted nearly twenty children for their entire academic life.
Young celebrities such as Fresh Kid, Felister, and metallic box social media bully victim Henry Ssuubi, a student of Engineering at Uganda’s largest academic university, have been impacted by the brand. We should not forget our latest rising star, the global sensation, the 6-year-old dancer and breadwinner, Sam Bright Muhindo.
Please join us as we change more children’s lives and help to evoke the genius and greatness in the forgotten and less fortunate among us. Let us join hands as we embrace the reality that generosity is an easily doable exercise- it is noble- it is the right thing to do.
Brian Yesigye Bravo -Founder Bravo Shoes Community Support Organisation (BSCSO)
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