- info@bravoshoescommunitysupport.org
- +256 772 438726
- +256 706744644
- City Centre Complex ,1st Floor B-9, Luwum Street
Bravo Shoes Community Support
The driving force behind “Bravo Shoes Community Support” is fueled by four essential and influential quotations. These are:
- You must never seek a reason to help those who yearn for support. Extending a helping hand not only vanishes tears off their face but also acts as a cure for oneself.– Author Unknown
- Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth. – Muhammad Ali
- If you have much, give of your wealth; if you have little, give of your heart. – Arabian Proverb
- You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who cannot repay you.– John Bunyan
Our Vision
Building strong communities where less privileged and undeserved children are given opportunities for social and economic inclusion.
Our Mission
Bringing hope for social and economic inclusion to less privileged and unserved children.
Our Values
Restoration of hope, Dignity, Accountability, Stakeholder involvement, Professionalism, Creative problem solving and Inclusiveness

Founder’s Story
In February 2022, Brian Yesigye Bravo, Chief Executive Officer of Bravo Shoes, established Bravo Shoes Community Support. Brian, himself, started from a humble life on the streets of Kampala as a merchandiser with only Shs300,000 (less than $100). His entrepreneurial spirit, tenacity, and dreams were not short of trials and tribulations. Notwithstanding the challenges, he persevered, and his drive to excel metamorphosized into what is known today as the Bravo Shoes.
Brian believes that humble beginnings breed great personalities. A notable Ghanaian author Earnest Yeboah wrote, “A diligent hawker today can be a great tycoon” – this perfectly characterizes Yesigye Brian Bravo.
From growing up without shoes himself to empowering the young without shoes is one of the driving forces behind the Bravo Shoes Community Support. Brian believes that creating value in society and one’s community, especially to children without the opportunity of going to school, should be a part of our responsibilities if we can afford to do so. Keep Reading
Brian Yesigye – Bravo -Founder Bravo Shoes Community Support.
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